Tuesday, 17 May 2016

5 Life Lessons that Music Teaches Us

"There is no truer truth obtainable by man than that which comes of music," says Robert Browning. The depth of this statement is enough to make us understand how important music is to our life. Life is incomplete without music. After all, everyone of us has a song to sing, the song of our own lives.

In a way, music itself is a form of life. It has its own soul and its own journey to make. Like every life, it has a purpose. Unlike many lives, it is fulfilling it.

We hear the sweetest harmony when our life blends with that of music. This brings not only joy, but also some lessons. Here are some of them:

1. Originality. I'm sure everyone has a moment when you hear an intro and instantly recognise whose song is it. Why does it happen? Because the composers have made their song in such a unique way, that we can instantly recognise their style and sound.
In life too, we are born with originality. Our years of growth has tainted it with a fake persona. But, just like the universal soul of music has blended with the artist's heart to create the original sound, the universe also blends with us, only if we are willing, to create an original person. We are all unique. Realisation of our uniqueness marks the inception of being original.

2. Learning never stops. Ask the masters of music whether they are done with learning and they'll say, "No way. I still have a lot to learn." Music is infinite, with no zenith. You master a technique, something else pops up. Or you realise that you haven't really mastered it. The more you learn, the more you realise you know nothing. It is the learning that actually gives meaning to music.
In life too, there's never a full stop to learning. As we gather wisdom, there will be more questions than answers. The quest for meaning comes to life when the new comes up every now and then. Like in music, there wouldn't be any meaning in life if you wouldn't learn.

3. Habit development. Every one who is into playing an instrument or singing will realise that a thing can be properly applied to what you do only when you make it second nature. Be it bringing out a false note, or playing alternate picking, or hitting paradiddles. A technique is said to be mastered when it becomes a habit and you have no difficulty in playing it. You don't even have to think about it.
This teaches us an important aspect of life: habit development. Just as we master techniques, we can master habits. At first it is difficult, but soon it becomes easy to the point of becoming second nature. Habits are like techniques: as you practice, you become better at it.

4. No man is an island. Music makes us feel united with the universe, and with people around us. A certain emotion is always attached with a song, and a person, once connected to it, feels a connection with all of those men and women feeling the same thing, and with the composer. No one can really be alone: music is there, and with it, fellow humans too. This is one important lesson to learn.

5. Synchronicity of varied elements. Being in sync is very important in forms of art like dance or music. A song is made when varied instruments and vocals are in sync. Individually, vocalists need to sync their mind and their throat/any other part of body from where they are singing. Guitarists and bassists need to sync their right hand and left hand. There can be no music without sync.
Coming to life, just imagine it without sync. You're doing something too extremely, or you aren't doing something which needs to be done. You'll feel ill at ease, and often say that "Life is fucked up." But when you are in sync, have created a balance between every aspect of your life, then you can sing the song of your life in the sweetest tone possible.

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